How To Tape Your Hands For Tennis


STARNBERG, December 15, 2023 (Guest Post)

Along with football and basketball, tennis has reached its peak popularity over the last few decades, making it one of the most beloved and watched sports worldwide. Of course, this rise in demand for the professional game has also led to an increased amount of kids and adults who want to learn how to play and enjoy their time on the court. 

Having said that, playing tennis is not nearly as easy as watching – in fact; beginners often find out quickly just how grueling and physically demanding the sport can be. You have to not only be able to run back and forth for hours at a time but also hit each shot with concentration and the right form, which is all the more difficult when you’re out of breath and sweaty. 

Along with that, tennis uses your entire body – you run and position yourself with the help of your legs, but you hit the shot with your arms, hands, and shoulders, meaning that every part of you is constantly moving and adjusting to the game. This can often lead to all kinds of injuries – from the popular “tennis elbow” to minor ankle rolls and the beloved blisters that occur when your sweaty palms grip the racquet too tightly. 

Knowing the risks, most professionals use tape to prevent some of these issues from happening in the first place, and in this article, we’re going to dive into just that – how you should tape for tennis. So, if that sounds like your cup of tea, then let’s get started. 

Why Tape Your Hands for Tennis  

Before we explain how and why you should tape your hands for tennis, let’s start by saying that the quality of the tape you use matters. You want to get one that’s specifically made for sports (like the WBCM tape) and that will feel comfortable on the skin – otherwise, you’re risking making the experience uncomfortable and totally missing the purpose of taping in the first place. 

Now that we got that point out of the way let’s first talk about why you should consider taping your hands before your next tennis practice. 

Improves Your Grip 

Usually, when you play tennis, you get sweaty pretty quickly – not only because the sport is played, when it’s generally hot outside but also because it requires a lot of running that spikes your heart rate and makes you breathless in minutes. By wearing tape on your fingers, you will significantly improve your grip – you won’t feel the racquet turning in your palm. Instead, it will be steady and easy to hold on to, even in key moments of the match. 

Protects Your Fingers 

Along with improving your grip, the tape helps protect your hand from blisters. Typically, when you play long hours in hot weather, the friction from your sweaty palms gripping the racquet will create blisters, especially if you’re sweaty or you have softer skin. Needless to say, getting blisters is an incredibly uncomfortable experience, not only because they tend to be extremely painful but also because they take ages to heal – time you likely won’t have if you want to keep improving your game. 

Helps Quicken Your Racquet Swing 

If you feel that the racquet will slip away from your fingers any second, you likely won’t be too comfortable swinging freely and with power. Instead, you will be focused on ensuring you don’t throw the racquet cross-court. That’s where tape can come in and help you not only feel more secure with the racquet in your hand but also free to take quick swings that can lead to more winners from your end.

How To Tape Your Hands for Tennis

When it comes to taping your hands for tennis, you should focus on the points of your hand that grip the racquet. Typically, that’s the tops of your fingers and the pillow of your palm. You have to make sure you’re not tapping too tightly, as that might limit blood flow and end up being worse for your game, as your hands will start to tinge from the lack of blood. 

In Conclusion 

Taping their hands before a game of tennis is something many professionals do – the most famous one of them all being Rafael Nadal, who is constantly wearing tape on several of his fingers. That’s because tape helps protect your hands from blisters while also ensuring that you have a better grip on the racquet and feel more comfortable on the court overall. Of course, one key prerequisite that you should always keep in mind is not to buy just any tape – instead, choose one that’s made specifically for athletes; otherwise, you risk making the entire experience of wearing it unpleasant and unhelpful.