Marvin Moeller: “I’ve Always Found Good Solutions During Tough Times!”

Marvin Moeller (photo: Florian Heer)

VIC, May 19, 2024

For Marvin Moeller, the past seasons have not always been easy. Injuries and illnesses repeatedly forced the 25-year-old German to take breaks. However, after winning three titles on the ITF World Tennis Tour last season, Möller is back on the path to success and aims to continue his run.

In March of this year, Moeller achieved a new career-high ranking of 296 in the world. After reaching the final in Värnamo, Sweden, the Hamburg native is competing this week in Catalonia at the ITF M25 World Tennis Tour event in Vic. Seeded third, Moeller has advanced to the quarterfinals. We caught up with him there for an interview.

Tennis TourTalk: Marvin, you’ve come to Vic with a lot of momentum. How have the last few weeks been for you overall?

Marvin Moeller: This year, I’ve mostly played on the Challenger Tour. Now, I’ve returned to a Futures event and went straight to the final. I managed to beat some good opponents in the Top 300 and lost in the final to a player ranked 250th. It was a positive week.

Unfortunately, you’ve had to take a break again this season. Can you briefly explain why?

During the pre-season preparations, I had a bacterial infection in my hand and had to go to the emergency room with a suspected blood infection, which fortunately wasn’t confirmed. In February, I suffered a muscle tear in my thigh, unfortunately right when I was playing very well and had just won against Filip Krajinovic at the Challenger in Nottingham. It took two more months before I could play in tournaments again.


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This is your first time at the Club Tennis Vic. What are your impressions?

I expected the weather in Spain to be a bit better. Unfortunately, it rained quite a bit in the first few days. Other than that, the conditions are very good. There’s a lot of sliding on the courts, which I need to get used to again. The facility itself is a dream. The food is good. There are many courts, and if the weather cooperates, there’s nothing to complain about.

Along with Nicola Kuhn, you are the only two Germans in the field. He has a close relationship with Spain and lives here. What connections do you have with the country?

Actually, I have relatively few connections with Spain. We had a fun school trip here once, and in 2017 we played the Junior Davis Cup final in Madrid with Germany. That was a special experience, reaching the final. Other than that, I haven’t played many tournaments in Spain. However, I always feel comfortable here. The people are nice, and you can always get along well here.

Where did the school trip go?

It was to Cádiz, and it was a very funny time.

You’ve had to deal with several injuries in the past and were out of tournaments for almost a year and a half. Then there was the Covid pandemic. Are these almost three lost years for you in hindsight?

That might sound a bit harsh. I was able to take something positive from each injury break. During my wrist injury, I could work a lot on my physical fitness. When I suffered from mononucleosis, I also continued to educate myself. Dealing with setbacks also shapes your character. In terms of tennis, a lot of time has passed without being able to play matches. Then came the Covid break, which was also draining. You always have to try to make the best of it, and I’ve learned to handle it well. If you only look at the tennis time and subtract three or four years, I would be 22 and maybe ranked around 270. That would be a great position to be in. I would probably still be part of a support program and have more financial resources. That is no longer the case today. Regarding tennis, it’s unfortunate, as it always takes time to get back to your level before the breaks. Personally, I have always found good solutions during these times.

What did you occupy yourself with during these times?

I had enrolled in a business administration program for a while. It requires a lot of self-discipline, which I already need for sports. So, I continued to educate myself, read a lot. I am particularly interested in the history of the 20th century.

Do you also like to visit the cities you travel to for tournaments?

I try to take in more of the culture of other countries now. However, it’s quite ambitious since you also practice on rest days and spend a lot of time at the tennis facility. So, it happens rather rarely. If it’s a special city, I try to take the time to explore it.

Do you have specific destinations in mind?

Cities that are historically significant interest me the most. For example, I explored the city of Sarajevo more closely. Overall, my focus is more on Eastern Europe.

You mentioned support. What is your current situation like?

Ambitious (laughs). I continue to receive support from the Hamburg Tennis Association, where I can still practice, and the costs are covered. That’s a huge help for me and has helped me progress in recent years. Unfortunately, taking a coach on tour with me is currently not possible. You can’t cover travel and salary costs even with a tournament win at this level. So, the goal is to reach the Top 250 as quickly as possible to earn a bit more money.

What’s your schedule for the next few weeks?

I will play the Challenger in Augsburg. Additionally, there are league matches at the Club an der Alster.

Thank you and good luck.