Draw Made For 2019 Fed Cup

Fed Cup

ITF Press Release, July 24, 2018

The draw for the 2019 Fed Cup by BNP Paribas was held at the ITF offices in London on Tuesday. According to the Fed Cup Regulations, the two finalist nations were seeded No. 1 and No. 2 in the 2019 World Group, while all the other seeds were in accordance with the latest ITF Fed Cup Nations Ranking.

The two finalist nations were also both guaranteed choice of ground. Both Czech Republic and USA decided to exercise this right and will therefore both be at home for their first round ties in 2019. Czech Republic is at home to USA in the 2018 Fed Cup Final in Prague on 10-11 November.

The ITF Board of Directors has approved a trial to increase the size of teams in all Fed Cup groups in 2019 from four to a maximum of five players to give nations greater flexibility in team selection. This trial was successfully implemented in the 2018 Davis Cup by BNP Paribas World Group and Zone Groups I and II.

2019 Draw

Fed Cup World Group

First round (9-10 February)

Czech Republic [s] [c] v Romania

Belgium [c] v France [s]

Germany [c] v Belarus [s]
USA [s] [c] v Australia

Fed Cup World Group II

First round (9-10 February)

Switzerland [s] [c] [*] v Italy
Latvia [c] [*] v Slovakia [s]
Japan [s] [c] v Spain

Netherlands [s] [c] [*] v Canada

[s] = seeded nation
[c] = choice of ground
[*] = choice of ground decided by lot

The World Group dates for the 2019 Fed Cup by BNP Paribas are as follows:

World Group/World Group II first round: 9-10 February
World Group semifinals; World Group/World Group II play-offs: 20-21 April
World Group Final: 9-10 November