School And Tennis At JC Ferrero Equelite

JC Ferrero Equelite

EQUELITE Press Release, August 23, 2018

Being a professional tennis player seems like a dream that only a few players can fulfil. It is an amazing challenge that millions of children around the world are facing every day, but it has different risks for them. One of them is for example; quit the studies.

“It is impossible to play tennis and study at the same time”, how many times have you heard it? How many children have given up due this difficulty? How many parents have forced their children to stop following their dreams? For all of that, we are here! We want to show them that this is a possible combination in Juan Carlos Ferrero-Equelite tennis academy.


JC Ferrero Equelite

If we think of a 16-year-old tennis player that is attending tournaments very often, we will think that is not following the studies because is focused on the tennis only, but we are wrong. We all know that only 1% of the athletes become professionals, so it is of vital importance to develop other skills apart from tennis. In Villena, we are ambassadors of this idea, so you can find different study systems in order to fit each player needs; for instance, we have a Spanish school system, the prestigious British system and also online studies from all over the world.

To get to know better our study offers, we have been in the academy and have chatted with some of the students of the different systems. “Normally, we wake up early in the morning and start the day by taking two hours of lessons before the four hours of tennis training, after that we have a rest at midday and we come back to practice tennis or fitness and we end the day by taking another two hours of school,” says Aleksandra (Bulgaria, 16 years old) who is doing the British system.

“We are just 5 or 6 students in each lesson, it is so good! We have five subjects and we can follow the lesson without any problem, we have fun and learn a lot at the same time. We have an excellent relationship with the teachers and it helps to be more relaxed during the lesson. When we are on a tournament, we miss hours of school but we are in a constant contact with them, so we can ask the teachers questions about the homework. That helps a lot, we are much closed to them” adds the young Bulgarian girl.

“It is quite tough training and studying simultaneously but the teachers make it easy for us,” claims Caitlyn (Australia, 15 years old). “We all have a shared dream that is become a professional tennis player, but we also want to keep with our studies. We mustn’t forget that the life of a tennis player is short, so we all think that the tennis is the present and your studies last forever” says Caitlyn who is already among the 700 best juniors in the world.

We continue talking with some of the students of the academy and we find Raul (Spain, 17 years old) who is attending the Spanish system. “The secret is to work hard day by day, even though there are so many days where you feel exhausted, but at the end the effort is worth it. Luckily, the teachers help us a lot every day and they are pretty flexible with us (as long as we don’t stop working) claims the last champion of the CC Alicante National Tournament.

“My family and I decided to try this academy; I did some test during a few days and was delighted of the nice environment of it. It has such amazing facilities, professional coaches in both tennis and fitness, and you can live with all the comforts,” Raul has started attending the Future circuit and highlights: “Here you live the life of a professional tennis player, and with that thought we wake up every day, this is the best in this academy.”

Finally, we talk with Lara (Serbia, 17 years old) she is one of the most advanced girls in the educational field (she has finished her bachelor studies) and also in the tennis world (she is already ranked in the WTA) “the most positive aspect for me is that I life just 1 minute away from the court and from school. When I finish practicing tennis, I get ready and study until dinnertime. I don’t waste time and it is essential for me if I want to combine all”

“Studies are very important to develop as a person, but also are necessary if you want to be a professional athlete. It is not good, to think all day about tennis because if you have an injury and cannot play anymore, what will you do? I personally love Sciences and I would like to study in the University something related with the research as a means of finding a definitive cure for diseases, for example,” says Lara.

Different voices but the same way. Do you still find it impossible? “The secret is keeping working on getting your dreams come true. If you want, you get it. But you have to be in a good place with a good environment where you feel supported by everyone. Here in the academy I have everything I need. If you are reading this article, this is the moment to decide to try this and enrol the place where you don’t need to move to fulfil your dreams” finishes Lara.