AGM Gives ITF Board Of Directors Greater Control Of Davis Cup And Fed Cup

International Tennis Federation

ITF Press Release, August 18, 2018

The ITF Annual General Meeting entrusted the Board of Directors with the power to amend Davis Cup and Fed Cup regulations.

The resolution received the two-thirds majority required by the ITF AGM in Orlando, Florida, where delegates earlier voted in favour of historic reforms to Davis Cup by BNP Paribas.

ITF President David Haggerty said: “I am delighted that the nations have put their faith in the ITF Board of Directors to make decisions in the best interests of the ITF as a whole. In a fast-changing world, we need to be agile in order to make decisions about our flagship competitions. I would like to thank our members for their continued support.”

The AGM also approved an increase in the size of the elected Board of Directors from 13 to 14 and approved a series of regulation changes and clarifications for the ITF’s international team competitions, Davis Cup by BNP Paribas and Fed Cup by BNP Paribas.

The assembly agreed to reduce annual subscription costs for Class C members from USD$767 to USD$250 and approved a motion to provide one-vote Class B nations with rebates through Development project funding.

There was a decrease in Class B shares for Venezuela. One Class B member, Cote D’Ivoire, and four Class C members, Afghanistan, Comores, Korea, DPR, and Tonga, have been suspended.

There were 12 Awards for Services to the Game approved by the AGM, including a nomination by the Coaches Commission for former World No. 2 Conchita Martinez (ESP). Other recipients were Sandra Osborne (BAR), Gevork Karamanoukian (ARM), Dr Dimitrije Rasovic (MNE), George Stevenson (IRL), Abdulrahman Falaknaz (UAE), Viktor Yanchuk (RUS), Aleksandr Dolgopolov (UKR), Barbara Rittner (GER), Raul Viver (ECU), Pablo Cuevas (URU) and Brian Earley (USA).

The 2019 ITF Conference and Annual General Meeting will be held in Lisbon, Portugal.