German Tennis Federation Extends Contract With Barbara Rittner

Barbara Rittner (photo: Lana Roßdeutscher)

HAMBURG, January 10, 2019

The German Tennis Federation (DTB) agreed to a contract extension with its Head of Women’s Tennis, Barbara Rittner, for three years until 31 December 2021. “We are pleased that we can continue to trust in Barbara’s expertise,” DTB-President Ulrich Klaus stated on Thursday, only a few days before the start of the Australian Open.

“Besides her competence and her many years of experience as a player and as national coach, Barbara Rittner stands for a high quality of work. Paired with her passion and her heart for Germany’s women’s tennis makes her an outstanding cast for these important position,” Klaus explained the renewal of the contract with the 45-year-old former World No. 24.

“I appreciate the confidence in me by the Federation, especially since I have been working in German women’s tennis for the last 14 years,” said Rittner, who served as the country’s Fed Cup captain until 2017.

“I am looking forward to continuing the task and working together with my coaches to create the conditions for further success and to show the juniors the way into professional tennis.”