Wawrinka And Evian Partner Up

Stan Wawrinka (photo: StarWing Sports)

STARWING SPORTS Press Release, April 18, 2019

As Stan Wawrinka regularly states, preserving the environment has always been part of his life and he wants to embrace sustainability even more alongside evian®’s engagement to be a 100% circular brand by 2025.

The Swiss tennis star raised the idea for him to use refillable bottles on court. Stan Wawrinka started discussing with evian® to have personalized evian® Soma® glass refillable bottles and committed to be involved in different activities of the natural mineral water brand to promote the cause in the tennis world.

“I’m extremely happy to start using my evian® Soma® glass refillable bottles. Sustainability is very important to me and I am convinced that each one of us can make a difference every day. As an athlete, I drink a lot of water, so I had the idea to use the new evian® Soma® glass refillable bottles on court. This project means a lot to me and I’m happy that evian® now provides such an offer”, the three-time Grand Slam champion said.

The former Swiss recycling ambassador also supported the ATP’s sustainability campaign during the 2018 ATP Finals in London: “I spoke to my fellow players and the ATP leadership in order to reduce the use of plastic bottles at ATP events. All players received refillable bottles and it was a great initiative which we want to bring to more and more tournaments”, Wawrinka explains.