Independent Anti-Corruption Hearing Officer Suspends Osman Torski For Breach Of The Tennis Anti-Corruption Program

Tennis Integrity Unit

TIU Press Release, May 31, 2019

German tennis player Osman Torski has been suspended for nine months after being found to have committed a corruption offence under the terms of the Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP). Six months of the ban are suspended on the basis that he commits no further breaches of the TACP.

The 17-year old player was found to have attempted to contrive the outcome of a match he played at an ITF Germany F15 Futures tournament in October 2017.

Having considered the case, which was based on a Tennis Integrity Unit investigation, independent Anti-Corruption Hearing Officer Prof. Richard McLaren imposed the suspension, which is effective from 29 May 2019.

As a result, the player is suspended from competing in or attending any sanctioned event organised or recognised by the governing bodies of the sport for three months.

Assuming no further breaches of the TACP are committed, Mr Torski will be eligible to resume playing tennis from 28 August 2019.

The relevant section of the TACP he was found to have breached is:

Section D.1.d: “No Covered Person shall, directly or indirectly, contrive or attempt to contrive the outcome or any other aspect of any Event.”