Hamburg European Open – Update Coronavirus

Hamburg European Open (photo: Hamburg European Open)

HAMBURG, March 18, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has not only affected public life in the whole world to an unprecedented extent, but has also shut down the global tennis circuit. As the tennis world grapples with the domino effect of COVID-19, it is not yet foreseeable when regular tournaments and matches will be possible again.

Nevertheless, organizers of the Hamburg European Open announced on Wednesday that they are continuing to work intensively on the preparations for this year’s edition of the Rothenbaum tournament. The ATP 500 clay-court event is scheduled to take place on July 11 to 19. Ticket sales continue unchanged.

“However, the health and safety of all spectators, players and employees is of course always the focus. We are constantly monitoring current developments and will react immediately to changes in the situation. We will of course inform you about appropriate new measures,” the Hamburg European Open stated in a press release.

“In the first place, we wish you and your families health for the coming weeks, but also a lot of patience and confidence. Stay healthy!”