Lawn Tennis Association Ready £20 Million Support Package

Devonshire Park Eastbourne (photo: Ben Hoskins/Getty Images for LTA)

STARNBERG, April 7, 2020

The Lawn Tennis Association often called the LTA, has taken steps to provide support across the tennis landscape by setting aside up to £20 million in funding. Staff such as coaches and officials, venues and players, are just some of those who will suffer financially during this testing period. But thanks to the LTA, they will have access to the support they need.

Scott Lloyd, who is the chief executive of the LTA, has taken a 20% wage cut to help the association during the current crisis, as have those in his executive team. Some employees at the LTA will become furlough employees imminently, to bring costs down further, with the future of the tennis season still unclear.

At the same time, it must be stated that although the short term outlook seems bleak, there are many in the sport that believe there is light at the of the tunnel and are keenly waiting for the tournaments to resume. No doubt, this sentiment is held by many tennis and betting fans. And once the tennis season starts again, everyone should make sure to check out for the latest betting offers as well as deals from UK’s most respectable betting sites.

In terms of players, those competing as singles who happen to be ranked outside the world top one hundred, who aren’t already in receipt of some funding from the governing body, will be able to access financial support. It will come in the form of a grant for those who are eligible, to help them manoeuvre through these testing times.

If a player isn’t receiving funding from the LTA either, and they are singles ranking between 101-750, or doubles players who rank from 101-250, they will also be able to access a support grant. The financial package is there to support players due to their lack of income, enabling them to buy essentials such as groceries and toiletries. However, players who do benefit from any financial support provided must be ready to give back to both the sport and community when the crisis eases.

Venues which stage tennis events, for example, are also being affected. If tennis isn’t playable, places will not be able to generate any income, but the LTA have them covered. Interest-free loans of up to £5,000 are available via a hardship fund to support venues affected by the crisis. Coaches and officials, recognised by the LTA, will also be able to access grants as well.

Speaking about the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the sport, Scott Lloyd, chief executive of the LTA, said, “This pandemic has the potential to put the continued future growth of tennis at significant risk.”

“Our primary objective in announcing these unprecedented measures is to ensure clubs and venues remain viable, and coaches and officials are not lost to the sport.”

The support packages and grants provided by the LTA are coming from their financial reserves, which are said to be in the region of £65 million. However, they will have to dip into their savings to fund some of the grants for those affected. These savings are “significant” according to the governing body. The LTA, will, of course, be hoping tennis gets back underway sooner rather than later, and it’s likely prize funds in the sport will increase if said events take place before the year’s out.