If John Millman Ran The ATP Tour …

John Millman (photo: Brigitte Urban)

WASHINGTON, April 16, 2020 (by Michael Dickens)

On Wednesday, Australia’s John Millman (currently ranked No. 43), wrote on Twitter: “What happens if Australia recovers before the ATP/WTA Tours are set to resume. Here’s an idea. Thoughts?”

What Millman suggests is this:

If Australia recovers before ATP tour is ready to kick off again I think we have a unique opportunity in our sport to create domestic interest in tennis again. Instead of having your run of the mill money tournaments, image something completely different.

How about an interstate teams competition? Teams would be mixed and comprised of:

• 2 Legend players (one male and one female)

• 6 current players (three males and three females)

• 2 junior players (one male and one female)

Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles would be played.

Perhaps a different type of scoring system.

Players get contracts (guaranteed money) that will help some getting them financially back on tour and the public get a different format of team tennis watching the past, present and future players competing.