Bringing Tennis Back To The U.S. – Exo-Tennis To Launch In Atlanta

Exo-Tennis Atlanta

STARNBERG, May 6, 2020

Organizers of the Tennis Point Exhibition Series in Germany announced on Tuesday the launch of Exo-Tennis in the United States on May 14th. The EPIC Family Life Center in Duluth, a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, is set to host tournaments featuring American international tennis professionals and college standouts such as Taylor Townsend, Donald Young, Chris Eubanks, William Blumberg, Makenna Jones and Paige Hourigan.

“I asked myself a simple question, ‘What can we do today that will help better serve our community’? Given all the negative sentiment regarding postponements and shut downs, I wanted to somehow bring the joy of tennis back to peoples lives, and that is how the event was born,” Ruben Herrera, organizer and director of the BASE Tennis Academy in Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany was quoted on the Exo-Tennis website.

“I am fortunate that I work in an environment, where putting all the pieces of the puzzle together was quite simple, and luckily things fell into place. I can not wait for the tour to return to normality, but until then if we can help the players we will do whatever we can.”

On Monday, Yannick Yannick Hanfmann of Germany was crowned the “first champion in times of corona” at the inaugural Tennis Point Exhibition Series, held on indoor-clay at the BASE Tennis Academy in Höhr-Grenzhausen. The tournament has become the first live-tennis event since the professionals tours were suspended in early March and was considered a sufficient success. The Series in western Germany will continue with 12 players on Thursday.