JC Ferrero-Equelite Sport Academy To Open Its Doors

Juan Carlos Ferrero

VALENCIA, May 18, 2020 (JC Ferrero-Equelite Press Release)

JC Ferrero-Equelite Sport Academy is one of the most recognized tennis academies in the world. Among its players, we can highlight Pablo Carreño-Busta or Carlos Alcaraz, one of the most promising tennis players nowadays. This unprecedented time has made the situation extremely difficult for the youngest players; due to the lockdown and the border closure some of the players of the academy haven’t trained at all for a couple of months.

We are not the only academy that has been affected by this situation. The tennis world is facing lots of closed clubs that are starting to reopen in the first stage of the new normality. “We are used to having many people in our academy that not only come to play tennis but also to make use of our services as the physiotherapist, gym, the restaurant, etc. It will be so difficult to cope with the new reality,” says the ex no.1.

We have opened doors this week under strict rules and following all the authorities’ advices: visit-by-appointment system, taking the temperature and disinfect hands, shoes sole and any other surface. Besides, we have limited different areas of the academy for the external people to avoid any contact with our players that are living here and are about to start the preseason,” relates Ferrero from the academy where lives and train every day.

“Next week, and under indications of the government, we are planning the entrance of new players. The Covid-19 test will be compulsory for those who want to visit us in order to guarantee the security of our players. In addition, our employees are going to be tested before returning to their jobs”

“Our objective is to guarantee a safe environment for all our clients. We are firmly convinced to carry out our Summer Stage, even though the enrolment is less than other years,” says Ferrero, who also expects to have foreign visitors “they are about 70% of our clients”.