30,000 Kids To Make A ‘Racquet’ As Tennis Roadshow Returns To Schools

Racquet Roadshow – Perth

TA Press Release, August 8, 2020

Thirty-thousand first year primary school students from more than 800 schools across Australia are set to receive brand new tennis racquets as communities return to sport over the coming months, and continue to find creative ways to get active. 

The fourth edition of the ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Racquet Roadshow will have a virtual twist this year, with ambassadors dialing into schools across the country through video calls. 

Tennis legends such as Todd Woodbridge and John Fitzgerald will be virtually dropping into schools to inspire students to pick up their new racquet and swing into action.

By December, 170,000 racquets will have been delivered to schools since 2015, thanks to ANZ. 

This initiative to introduce more kids to tennis comes as reports continued to be released about declining levels of activity in children. These racquets will help get kids moving at school, home and in the community.

“There are so many skills that kids can develop at a young age by playing tennis, regardless of whether that’s on the court, in their backyard or even in their lounge room,” said Australian tennis legend Todd Woodbridge. 

“Our partnership with ANZ has given 170,000 kids across Australia the opportunity to get active and enjoy playing tennis as part of a healthy lifestyle,” Tennis Australia’s Chief Tennis Officer Matt Dwyer said.

“After the disrupted year our kids have had, keeping them active and engaged is even more important for their overall wellbeing. ANZ has helped us put racquets in their hands, giving kids the tools they need to be creative in how they experience our sport.”

“We’re really proud of our continued support of tennis at a grassroots level, encouraging Australians to get active and look after their wellbeing,” said Katherine Bray, Managing Director Retail at ANZ. 

“Over the past five years this partnership with Tennis Australia has delivered racquets to thousands of communities across the country, helping young kids to get involved in community sports like tennis.”

ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Racquet Roadshow fast facts 

·       The ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Racquet Roadshow will deliver brand new tennis racquets to first year primary school age children across all states and territories in Australia for the fourth consecutive year

·       By the end of 2020, a total of 170,000 racquets will have been delivered to children since 2015, thanks to ANZ

·       Tennis Australia’s School Partnership Program aims to give children the opportunity to pick up a racquet and play tennis as part of their health and physical education curriculum

For further information about ANZ Tennis Hot Shots, please visit www.hotshots.tennis.com.au