ITF World Tennis Tour Set To Offer Over 1000 Events In 2022

ITF World Tennis Tour

ITF Press Release, November 17, 2021

The International Tennis Federation (ITF) today published the ITF World Tennis Tour calendar for the first quarter (Q1) 2022 and is set to provide over 1000 events over the course of next year. The first quarter calendar in 2022 will offer 204 tournaments, 102 events for the men’s and the women’s tour; a 50% increase against Q1 2021 and a 7% increase on Q1 2019 – despite restrictions affecting many ITF-hosting countries.

Jackie Nesbitt, Senior Executive Director, Tours and Player Pathway said, “The ITF World Tennis Tour typically provides over 1000 tournaments globally each year, and we are on track to deliver over and above this volume in 2022. The response and commitment of our national associations and tournament organisers speak to the robustness of the World Tennis Tour with tournaments set to take place in 80 countries, providing more than 65,000 playing opportunities, and over 80,000 matches for fans to enjoy over the course of next year’s tennis season.”