Ronnie Leitgeb Passes Away

Ronnie Leitgeb (photo: Brigitte Urban)

STARNBERG, February 16, 2022

Legendary Austrian tennis manager and coach Ronnie Leitgeb died unexpectedly on Wednesday in Kitzbühel aged only 62. He worked with former World No. 1 Thomas Muster, current ATP Chairman Andrea Gaudenzi, Nikolay Davydenko as well as Jürgen Melzer and was a long-time tournament organizer.

“My friend and mentor closed his eyes forever today,” said Muster. “My condolences go to the family and loved ones. The shock is too deep to put into words. Dear Ronnie, it is with respect and humility that I thank you for being a part of your life and for sharing all these great moments with you. We will miss you very much. Rest in peace.”

Gaudenzi was quoted on the ATP website: “Ronnie has been an ever-present figure on the Tour for so many decades and it’s a terrible shock to hear news of his passing. On a personal level, I owe him a huge debt of gratitude. He played a pivotal part in my career both as a coach and agent, together with Thomas Muster.

“I would have never reached the levels that I did without Ronnie’s invaluable guidance. His contributions across the sport will be sorely missed. On behalf of everyone at the ATP, we send our sincerest condolences to Ronnie’s family and loved ones during this difficult time.”

Leitgeb was captain of the Austrian Davis Cup team from 1994 to 1997 and President of the Austrian Tennis Association (ÖTV) from 2012 to 2015. He organised ATP Tour events in Lyon (current ATP license owner), Nice, St Pölten (1994-2005), Pörtschach (2006-2008) and Kitzbühel (2009), and was most recently tournament director of the Andalucia Open in Marbella. His son, Florian, is tournament director of the NÖ Open ATP Challenger Tour event in Tulln.