What Do Pro Tennis Players Do After a Major Tournament?


STARNBERG, February 24, 2022

A major tournament takes a lot out of a pro tennis player and once all the excitement is over, they have to re-acclimatise to everyday life before getting ready for the next big tournament. Here are some of the things they do once their last game is over.

Take a holiday

Many pro tennis players use the immediate aftermath of a big tournament to take a holiday if their busy schedules will allow it. They take a week or two away from the court so that they can relax and unwind. They can drink cocktails, read a good book, play Spin Palace casino games and not think about tennis for a while.


Rest is important for pro tennis players as their bodies need time to recover from the hard work they have been put through during the tournament. Not allowing themselves to rest means that they become more prone to injury.

Catch up with friends and family

Pro tennis players have to be dedicated to their sport, but this is sometimes to the detriment of friends and family who may not see a lot of them before a major tournament. Post tournament they usually catch up with friends and family that they have not seen for a while and take part in social activities.


It is not long before pro tennis players have to go back to work, and this usually starts with a debrief. They will watch the playback of their games with their coach and trainers and look at where they went wrong and what they could do to improve on their game before the next tournament. Once they are back on the court, they will practise the moves they did badly or need to work on so that by the time the next competition comes around, they are stronger and ready to take on all their opponents.

Move on

Pro tennis players have to be very good at moving on with their lives and adapting quickly. Not only do they experience a huge ‘come down’ after major tournaments when they have to return to their everyday lives, but they also have to move on in the game. Whether they have won or lost their last major tournament, they have to put it to the back of their minds once they have learned all they need to from the experience. Dwelling on the past is not going to help them move on into the future and the chances are that they are going to need to focus on their next tournament quite soon after their last one. This does not leave them a lot of time to reminisce or regret before the cycle starts again.

The life of the pro tennis player is often exciting, but they have to put in a lot of hard work and make sacrifices to stay at the top of their game. There are always other people who want to beat them, and they must stay focused. Although they can allow themselves a little downtime after a major tournament, they are soon back to business as usual.