The Role Of A Coach In The Development Of A New Tennis Player


STARNBERG, September 6, 2022 (Guest Post)

A coach in big-time sports is not just a mentor and teacher. Indeed, this individual performs many more functions by acting as an agent, friend, and inspirational figure. Therefore, when choosing a coach for a future athlete, parents should consider essential factors such as professionalism and positive virtues. 

The coach must be able to understand the child, properly build communication with him or her, schedule training, and shape the future athlete’s lifestyle. Of course, this is not to say that parental support is irrelevant. In fact, a future athlete will need to cooperate with his or her parents and cooperate with them. And so, thanks to such a close-knit team, the child will be able to develop and enhance his or her abilities as much as possible. Indeed, under the guidance of the right coach, the child in the future will have much more chances for a successful career in big-time sports. While you are researching the career of young and already established athletes, you can always get acquainted with quite good tennis odds in more detail.

Modern educators and psychologists believe that raising and educating a child is not merely about assigning tasks for him to perform. Instead, both coaches and parents must engage in the learning process through transparent communication about how the world works. In turn, slowly but surely, the child will develop into an independent individual with the ability to make decisions and shape his own future. 

In order for a person to feel confident and comfortable in society, it is necessary to create adequate conditions that will foster self-esteem. This is crucial, especially when it comes to sports, since confidence, fearlessness, and decision-making are vital qualities for athletes.  

As previously mentioned, a coach will become a very close person to a future tennis player; someone who will take to heart all his victories or defeats, and show his support throughout challenging situations. A coach’s influence might soothe fear, anxiety, and other mental struggles. In this sense, a coach is similar to a psychologist as it helps the tennis trainee understand his worries, and accept his mistakes, with the goal of pushing him toward the right direction. 

What’s more, a coach’s task is to help the trainee understand what to do during competitions in order to achieve victory. Any results or takeaways should be recorded in a special journal so that they can be compared and analyzed. This activity should be done jointly so that the trainee feels that, together with the coach, they are moving toward achieving a common goal. 

It is extremely important that the coach does not raise his voice when talking to a student unnecessarily. Otherwise, trust and respect will be lost. Consequently, the cooperation will falter. Therefore, all discussions – regardless of how challenging or unpleasant they are – must be conducted in a respectful and straightforward manner, on the basis of a cordial partnership between the coach and trainee. 

Therefore, it becomes clear that a coach must be a good teacher in order to: develop the most effective training programs, see the trainee’s shortcomings and strengths, build his confidence, and overcome any other mental challenges. And, last but certainly not least, the ideal coach is someone who is willing to communicate with sponsors, tournament organizers, and any other person or institution who can help shape the trainee’s tennis career.