Becker Accompanies German Tennis Talents In Hannover

Boris Becker joining the national coaches as well as the DTB Talent Team 2018 in Hannover (photo: Oliver Hardt)

HANNOVER, December 8, 2017

Boris Becker, Head of Men’s Tennis of the German Tennis Federation DTB, spent the last two days at the Tennis Base in Hannover to accompany a group of young tennis talents. Alongside national coaches Peter Pfannkoch and Jan Velthuis, the 50-year-old worked with promising players aged between 15 and 19 on two courts.


Boris Becker on court with Germany’s promising tennis players (photo: Oliver Hardt)

“You cannot change the tennis techniques, but you can explain new philosophies about the world of tennis to young players,” Becker said Thursday afternoon at a press conference in the headquarters of the DTB in Hamburg.

“We announced that we want to visit the National Tennis Bases and that’s what we do now in order to work in a close communication with the national coaches. It was fun,” Becker added.

“World-class tennis players learn new ways of playing in a very short period of time. Their opponents have problems to adapt to it quickly. That’s why I try to teach young talents that in addition to a plan A, you also need to have a plan B and a plan C. This is my most important message.”

Daniel Altmaier (19), Louis Weßels (19), Marvin Möller (18), Rudolf Molleker (17), Henri Squire (17), Leopold Zima (17), Justin Schlageter (16), Moritz Stöger (15) and Max Wiskandt (15) are part of the DTB Talent Team 2018.