New Anti-Corruption Body For Tennis Confirmed For 2021

International Tennis Integrity Agency

ITIA Press Release, December 15, 2020

Tennis will have a new, independent body responsible for safeguarding the integrity of professional tennis from 1 January 2021 – the International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA). The Tennis Integrity Supervisory Board, comprised of independent directors together with the sport’s international tennis organisations, confirmed the new organisation’s foundation, articles and budget at its meeting on 24 November. The ITIA was incorporated in the UK on 2 December.

The ITIA will replace the current Tennis Integrity Unit (TIU) which is currently an operationally independent arm of the International Tennis Federation (ITF). Its establishment was a key recommendation made by the 2018 Independent Review Panel which was set up by the governing bodies of tennis to review all aspects of the sport’s anti-corruption protocols, structures and resources.

A new identity has been created for the organisation, with the strapline, “Tennis You Can Trust” and its new logo will be used across all the organisation’s publications and assets from next month. A new website at will go live in January 2021.

Jennie Price, Chair of the Tennis Integrity Supervisory Board, welcomed the ITIA to the world, “The creation of the ITIA as an independent entity has been a major part of the Board’s focus for the last year or so and it has been a real privilege to lead that process. It has been a challenging period for the whole sporting landscape, and I am grateful to the tennis organisations in particular, for the time and attention they have devoted to it.  The TIU has served tennis incredibly well for the last decade and the ITIA will build on its achievements to ensure that tennis is even better equipped to tackle corruption within the sport.”

Jonny Gray, CEO of the ITIA said, “Establishment of the ITIA is a major milestone of the IRP recommendations. But more than that, it is a very clear signal to those within the sport that we are taking integrity extremely seriously. At a time of real financial hardship, when tennis organisations have missed out on significant income due to Covid-19, they have increased the budget for the work we do. There can be no doubt that the sport is united in its determination to root out those who would seek to corrupt the sport.”

Between now and the end of 2020, the Tennis Integrity Unit continues to administer the Tennis Anti-Corruption Programme (TACP) for the sport before its staff and legal identity transfer into the ITIA.